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Refuge for the rational.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Make My Day: Leave A Comment

As you can see, I’ve inserted a ‘sad smiley’ to indicate that it is now fun time :) Given that I rarely engage is such antics, it is my hope that this communicates my sincerity and commitment to fun time :)
So it’s fun time :) As soon as I figure out what that means, I will let you know. It may involve locating a scanner and posting a picture of myself in Smurf jammies. This may take some time; I'm presently engaged in research. I'm doing an interesting study of the use of space in the context of local indie performances. In other words, I'll be watching people at the bar. In the meantime, why don’t you all tell me why no one visits me anymore? I’d really like to know. Even pen-palling wasn’t tempting enough. Assholes.

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