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Refuge for the rational.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I really do wish that people would start calling me at three am on Friday nights, drunk, stoned and whatever else, just so that when I do it I don't feel so awful.
I suppose it's ok that I did though, considering the predicament I found myself in. Notice I didn't say "got myself into"; the implication of this via some people is rather insulting. After all, is it ever ok for someone to violate your personal space without your permission? Where does the line get drawn? If someone were to grab my ass in an "innocent" display of flirtation, would that be a violation? I think so, but this went beyond that. I take a rather Foucauldian approach with this matter. Perhaps the fact that our bodies seem to be controlled by institutions, rather than ourselves, we don't have the right to personal space. Or, perhaps it is the people who allow their bodies to be controlled by these things who believe that grabbing someone's ass is ok and the people who don't subscribe to institutionalized paradigms who oppose it (I think I'll develop more thoughts on this later).
Regardless, I'm bowled over that in our supposedly equal and free society there still exist men who think that, despite the resistance to advancements over the course of the night, they can put their hand in your shirt and then proceed to grab at you rather maliciously while you get up and walk away. I'm disgusted in fact and unsure as to what the answer to things like this are. Education? Quite possibly, though at some point it becomes less about what you know and more about what you want to believe. Brutal ass-kickings are also an option and I'm taking applications for "fuck you up" crew, effective immediately.
I suppose it's ok that I did though, considering the predicament I found myself in. Notice I didn't say "got myself into"; the implication of this via some people is rather insulting. After all, is it ever ok for someone to violate your personal space without your permission? Where does the line get drawn? If someone were to grab my ass in an "innocent" display of flirtation, would that be a violation? I think so, but this went beyond that. I take a rather Foucauldian approach with this matter. Perhaps the fact that our bodies seem to be controlled by institutions, rather than ourselves, we don't have the right to personal space. Or, perhaps it is the people who allow their bodies to be controlled by these things who believe that grabbing someone's ass is ok and the people who don't subscribe to institutionalized paradigms who oppose it (I think I'll develop more thoughts on this later).
Regardless, I'm bowled over that in our supposedly equal and free society there still exist men who think that, despite the resistance to advancements over the course of the night, they can put their hand in your shirt and then proceed to grab at you rather maliciously while you get up and walk away. I'm disgusted in fact and unsure as to what the answer to things like this are. Education? Quite possibly, though at some point it becomes less about what you know and more about what you want to believe. Brutal ass-kickings are also an option and I'm taking applications for "fuck you up" crew, effective immediately.
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